Announcement for Graduate Applications

2016-2017 FALL TERM




Name of the Program

Quota (#)

Translation Studies (English) (Full Scholarship)


Translation Studies (English) (50% Scholarship)


Translation Studies (English) (Paid)


Economics and Finance (Paid)


Economics and Finance (English) (Full Scholarship)


Economics and Finance (English) (50% Scholarship)


Economics and Finance (English) (Paid)


Political Science and International Relations (30% English) (Full Scholarship)


Political Science and International Relations (30% English) (50% Scholarship)


Political Science and International Relations (30% English) (Paid)


History (50% Scholarship)





Name of the Program

Quota  (#)

Translation Studies (English) (Full Scholarship)


Translation Studies (English) (50% Scholarship)


Philosophy (Full Scholarship)


Philosophy  (50% Scholarship)


History (Full Scholarship)


History  (50% Scholarship)


Turkish Language and Literature (Full Scholarship)


Turkish Language and Literature (50% Scholarship)


Basic Islamic Studies: Islamic Law (Full Scholarship)


Basic Islamic Studies: Islamic Law (50% Scholarship)


Basic Islamic Studies: Kalam (Full Scholarship)


Basic Islamic Studies: Kalam (50% Scholarship)



 (#) Non-Turkish candidates are included in these quotas




1. Graduation and Field of Study Condition:


a) Master’s Program (Thesis) in Economics and Finance (English): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from formal undergraduate programs in Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics, Business Administration, Political Sciences and Engineering faculties, and one of the formal undergraduate programs in Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Sociology.


b) Master’s Program (Thesis) in Economics and Finance: Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from a formal undergraduate program.


c) Master’s Program (Thesis) in Political Science and International Relations (30% English): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from one of the undergraduate programs that have Political Sciences / International Relations / Public Administration in the program’s name, and programs in Sociology, Law, Philosophy and History.


d) Master’s Program (Thesis) in Translation Studies (English): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from an undergraduate program.


e) Master’s Program (Thesis) in History: Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from a formal undergraduate program.


f) PhD Program in Translation Studies (English): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from any master’s program (thesis).


g) PhD Program in Philosophy: Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from Philosophy or Philosophy and Religious Sciences master’s program (thesis) or being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from a master’s program in any field, after having obtained an undergraduate degree in Philosophy.


h) PhD Program in History: Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from any master’s program (thesis).


ı) PhD Program in Turkish Language and Literature: Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from any master’s program (thesis).


j) PhD Program in Basic Islamic Studies (Islamic Law): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from master’s programs (thesis) in Basic Islamic Studies, Law or other master’s programs (thesis) in a related field. 


k) PhD Program in Basic Islamic Studies (Kalam): Being a graduate of or being eligible to graduate (before the exact registration date) from any master’s program (thesis).



2. Age Limit:

Candidates born on 01.07.1991 and after can apply for master’s programs with full scholarship. Candidates born on 01.07.1986 and after can apply for PhD programs with full scholarship. Candidates who obtained their undergraduate and/or graduate degree from İstanbul 29 Mayıs University are not subject to the age limit regarding full scholarship quotas.


3. GPA Requirements:

a) The minimum GPA requirement for candidates who apply for non-thesis master’s programs is 2.00 on a 4 grade scale or 50.00 on a percentage scale.


b) The minimum GPA requirement for candidates who apply for master’s program in Economics (thesis) is 2.00 on a 4 grade scale or 50.00 on a percentage scale. The minimum GPA requirement for candidates who apply for other master’s programs (thesis) is 2.50 on a 4 grade scale or 65 on a percentage scale.


c) The minimum GPA requirement for candidates who apply for PhD programs is 3.00 on a 4 grade scale or 76.66 on a percentage scale.


4. ALES Score:

a) To apply for master’s programs (thesis) and PhD programs, candidates are required to have minimum 55 ALES score or an equivalent score from a different exam recognized as equivalent. If candidates pass the entrance exam of a master’s program (thesis) but do not have ALES score, they can take courses as a special student, according to the 31th article of the Higher Education Law. These students pay regular education fee.


b) Candidates applying for non-thesis master’s programs and non-Turkish nationals are not required to submit ALES score.


5. Foreign Language Condition

a) Candidates applying for master’s programs (thesis / non-thesis), in which the language of instruction is English, such as Political Science and International Relations, Economics and Finance and Translation Studies, are required to have minimum 80 YDS score or an equivalent score from a different exam recognized as equivalent by the Council of Higher Education and submit their exam score during application. In case they do not have a score, they must successfully pass the English Exam. Date of this exam is given in this announcement.


b) Candidates applying for PhD program in Translation Studies are required to have minimum 80 YDS score, and candidates applying for other PhD programs are required to have minimum 55 YDS score or an equivalent score from a different exam recognized as equivalent by the Council of Higher Education. In case candidates applying for PhD program in Translation Studies have a score between 55 and 85, they must successfully pass the English Exam.


c) Candidates applying for master’s programs (thesis) are not required to submit foreign language score, if they completed an undergraduate study or master’s program in which the language of instruction is English. This condition excludes candidates applying for non-thesis master’s programs and master’s program in Translation Studies (thesis).


d) There is no foreign language score requirement for master’s programs in which the language of instruction is Turkish. However, if candidates do have a foreign language score, they must submit it with their application document. Candidate’s source language skills are evaluated by the exam commission during entrance exam and oral interview. If a candidate requires further courses, they are advised to attend courses at İstanbul 29 Mayıs University Center for Continuous Education (Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi – SÜREM) in order to advance their language skills. Students may be eligible to a get discount, which is provided by the University, from SÜREM, based on their academic success.


6. Scientific Preparation

Students admitted to a graduate program may be included in the scientific preparation program for a minimum of two semesters if they have their undergraduate or master’s degrees in fields other than the programs they applied for and are not graduates of undergraduate or master’s degree programs of İstanbul 29 Mayıs University. Students cannot take graduate level courses during scientific preparation. Students undertaking scientific preparation courses are subject to make payments in accordance with their admission status. However, there is no additional cash scholarship for students who are entitled to full scholarship. Paid students and students with 50% scholarship make tuition payments in line with undergraduate course fees.





1. Non-Turkish candidates can only apply for paid or partial (50%) scholarship quotas, with the exception of students who obtained their undergraduate or master’s degree from İstanbul 29 Mayıs University. 


2. Non-Turkish nationals are not required to submit ALES score.


3. Non-Turkish candidates are subject to foreign language conditions for Turkish applicants if they are applying for programs in which the language of instruction is entirely or partially (at least 30%) a foreign language.


4. Non-Turkish candidates applying for programs taught (entirely or partially) in Turkish and master’s or PhD programs in Translation Studies must submit proof of Turkish proficiency of at least level C1 from Center for Turkish Language Teaching, Application and Research (Türkçe Öğretimi, Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi – TÜRÖMER). Students without proof of proficiency take the Turkish proficiency exam provided by İstanbul 29 Mayıs University TÜRÖMER, before taking the entrance exam and oral interview. These students are subject to a discount provided by the University, based on their academic success at TÜRÖMER courses. Students who are not proficient in Turkish but admitted to a program take the Turkish preparatory course of İstanbul 29 Mayıs University for two semesters. If students fail the proficiency exam at the end of that year, their enrollment status is kept for a year. If they pass the proficiency exam at the beginning of the next academic year, they can start studying at the graduate program. And if they fail, their record of enrollment is deleted.





1. Application Dates:

Application Start Date:

Monday, August 8, 2016


Application Deadline:

Friday, August 26, 2016, end of the shift


2. Turkish proficiency exam for non-Turkish candidates

Monday, September 5, 2016, 2:30 pm


3. Exam Dates for Master’s Programs (Thesis and Non-thesis) in Translation Studies:

Foreign Language Exam: Monday, September 5, 2016, 10:00 am

Entrance Exam:              Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 10:00 am

Oral Interview:               Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 2:00 pm


4. Exam Dates for PhD Programs in Philosophy, Turkish Language and Literature & Basic Islamic Studies:

Entrance Exam:              Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 10:00 am

Oral Interview:               Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 2:00 pm



5. Exam Dates for Master’s Programs (Thesis and Non-thesis) in Economics and Finance & Political Science and International Relations:


Foreign Language Exam:            Monday, September 5, 2016, 10:00 am

Entrance Exam:                          Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 10:00 am

Oral Interview:                           Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 2:00 pm

Location:                                    Ümraniye Campus


6. Exam Dates for PhD and Master’s Programs in History:

Entrance Exam:              Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 10:00 am

Oral Interview:               Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 2:00 pm


7. Registration Dates for Graduate Programs


  1. Registiration Dates for Selected Candidates: September 7 – 8, 2016


b) Registiration Dates for Candidates in the Reserved List: September 9, 2016





1. Application form must be filled out completely in order to finalize the application process. Please click here for the application form.


2. The candidate’s application and entrance exam shall be void if the information / document presented is missing or wrong.


3. Candidates accepted to a program are liable to submit the original copies of the documents listed below to Registrar’s Office:

  • Undergraduate / graduate diploma or interim certificate of graduation
  • Translation of undergraduate diploma (if candidate is non-Turkish)
  • Copy of the non-Turkish candidates’ passport
  • Certificate of equivalence (if diploma is obtained outside of Turkey)
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • ALES score of candidates applying for master’s programs (thesis) and PhD programs
  • Document stating disciplinary status from the institution the candidate will graduate / graduated from
  • National identity card
  • Foreign Language score as required by the program applied
  • Evidence of military service or military exemption for males 18 and over (not required for non-Turkish nationals)
  • Blood group card
  • 4 4,5 x 6 cm sized photos taken in full-face view directly facing the camera, within the last 6 months to reflect the candidate’s current appearance
  • Original copy of the document stating the candidate’s GPA on a percentage scale, if not stated in the transcript.







1. Pass mark is calculated by adding 50% of ALES score to 50% of Entrance Exam + Oral Interview score. Candidates with a minimum score of 70 on a percentage scale are admitted within the quota limits. In case candidates have equal scores, final decision are based on Entrance Exam + Oral Interview scores.


2. Pass mark is calculated by adding 50% of the Entrance exam to 50% of Oral Interview for non-thesis master’s programs and non-Turkish candidates without ALES score. Candidates with a minimum score of 70 on a percentage scale are admitted within the quota limits.


3. Reserve list: Reserve candidate quota out of those who meet success requirements is announced. There is a quota for each scholarship status, and it should not exceed 50% of the original quota. Fractions are rounded to the nearest whole number.





1. Program fee:


a) Tuition fee of master’s programs (both thesis and non-thesis) in Economics and Finance, Political Science and International Relations and Translation Studies is 15,000 TRY+VAT.


b) Tuition fee (including course and thesis periods) of master’s programs (thesis) in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature is 12,000 TRY+VAT.


c) Tuition fee (including course and thesis periods) of PhD programs in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Basic Islamic Studies and Translation Studies is 16,800 TRY+VAT.



d) Tuition fee is 16,500 TRY+VAT for scientific preparation course of programs in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Islamic and Religious Studies, and 19,500 TRY+VAT of programs in Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Economics and Translation Studies.


e) Tuition fee for Turkish Preparation Program is 8,750 TRY+VAT for one semester, and 17,500 TRY+VAT for two semesters.


2. Course fee:

Program fee payments must be made during enrollment. In exceptional cases payments are made for each course separately. In those cases, students make payments according to the scheme given below: 


Each course of master’s programs (thesis and non-thesis) in Economics and Finance, Political Science and International Relations and Translation Studies costs 1,725 TRY+VAT. Thesis/project period (thesis period is 1 year / project period is 1 semester) of the named programs cost 3,450 TRY+VAT.


Each course of master’s programs (thesis) in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature cost 1,380 TR+VAT and thesis costs 2,670 TRY+VAT per year.


Each course of PhD programs in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Basic Islamic Studies and Translation Studies cost 1,380 TRY+VAT. And thesis costs 2,760 TRY+VAT per year.




3. Payment method:


a) Full payment of whole tuition fees can be made in 10 installments with a credit card. There is a 6% discount for cash payments. If payment is made on course basis, opportunity to pay in installments or a discount cannot be granted.  


b) If a course repeated, 50% of the determined course fee is paid.


c) Payments collected by the University are nonrefundable.


d) Thesis period of master’s programs (thesis) is 1 year, project period of master’s programs (non-thesis) is 1 semester, and thesis period of PhD programs is 3 years. Tuition fees are calculated in accordance with the length of programs. Fees of extension periods are same as the fees paid when students first registered to the program.





1. Students qualifying for full scholarship quotas of master’s programs (thesis) in Political Science and International Relations, Economics and Finance and Translation Studies are only provided with education scholarship.


2. Students qualifying for full scholarship quotas of PhD programs in Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature and Basic Islamic Studies are granted with:


a) Education scholarship during course and thesis period (4 years in total, 5 years if an extension is given),


b) Additional scholarship of 1,000 TRY for 12 months, during the course period,


c) Additional scholarship of 2,000 TRY per month for 3 years (or 4 years in case of an extension) to students (selected among those who pass proficiency exam successfully, based on their academic success) in Student Assistant Program,


d) (To a limited number of students) 30% discount on the University’s student housing (meals not included),


e) Payment for traveling expenses if a student is accepted for a research project at a university abroad (on condition that it is evaluated and deemed suitable by the University).


3. Students are granted with Additional Scholarship only when they meet minimum success and attendance requirements as stipulated by provisions of İstanbul 29 Mayıs University Student Scholarship Directive.


4. Full or partial education scholarship is paid for minimum of 2 years (including course and thesis period) for master’s programs (thesis) and 4 years (including course and thesis period) for PhD programs. Students undertaking courses for 3 or 4 semesters may continue to receive education scholarship for minimum of 1 more year (for master’s students) or 2 years (for PhD students), if a thesis extension request is made by student’s advisor and then granted by the executive board of the Social Sciences Institute. 




Paid programs may not be offered if less than 7 students register.

Görüntülenme: 1816 Yayınlanma Tarihi: 29 Temmuz 2016 Güncellenme Tarihi: 29 Temmuz 2016 14:01:19