Faculty of Letters
Department of History
History Undergraduate Program
Prof. Ayşe Selçuk ESENBEL
Faculty of Letters
Department of Turkish Language and Literature
Turkish Language and Literature Undergraduate Program
Inst. Dr. Nesibe Yazgan USLU
Faculty of Letters
Department of Psychology
Psychology Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Letters
Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation and Interpreting (English) Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Nilüfer ALİMEN
Asst. Prof. Hediye Gamze TÜRKMEN
Faculty of Letters
Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation and Interpreting (Arabic) Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Mohamad Anas SARMINI
Asst. Prof. Abdullah ÖMER
Asst. Prof. İbrahim HELALŞAH
Asst. Prof. Zeynep ÇİLİNGİR
Inst. Mohamed Abdalla Said Ibrahim BADR
Faculty of Letters
Department of Philosophy
Philosophy Undergraduate Program
Asst. Prof. İbrahim Halil ÜÇER
Faculty of Letters
Information and Document Management Department
Information and Document Management Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Letters
Department of English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature Undergraduate Program
Istanbul University
Faculty of Education
Department of Foreign Language Education
English Language Teaching Program
Yeditepe University
Boğaziçi University
Faculty of Education
Department of Educational Sciences
Guidance and Psychological Counseling Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Hamiyet SAYAN
Inst. Dr. Gülay KALKAN YENİ
Faculty of Education
Department of Primary Education
Preschool Teacher Education Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Nermin ÖZCAN ÖZER
Inst. Dr. Dilek AKÇA KOCA
Inst. Dr. Gültekin GÖÇMEN
Faculty of Education
Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education
Turkish Language Teaching Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Education
Department of Foreign Languages Education
Arabic Language Teaching Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Education
Department of Mathematics and Science Education
Primary School Mathematics
Teaching Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Education
Department of Basic Education
Elementary School Teaching Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Education
Special Education Department
Special Education Teaching Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Law
Department of Public Law
Faculty of Law
Department of Private Law
Assoc. Prof. Sera Reyhani YÜKSEL
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Political Science and International Relations
Political Science and International Relations Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Görkem ALTINÖRS
Asst. Prof. Elnur İSMAYIL
Asst. Prof. İbrahim KALKAN
Asst. Prof. Merve KÜTÜK KURİŞ
Asst. Prof. Oğuzhan GÖKSEL
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics
Economics Undergraduate Program (English)
Asst. Prof. Gökay AÇIKYILDIZ
Asst. Prof. Gülay Selvi HANİŞOĞLU
Inst. Habibe Fahrünnisa GÜNEŞER
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Social Work
Undergraduate Program of Social Work
Asst. Prof. Aslıhan NİŞANCI
Inst. Sümeyye Esra KÖTEN GÜÇLÜ
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Management Information Systems
Management Information Systems Undergraduate Program
Asst. Prof. Emel Şeyma KÜÇÜKAŞÇI
Inst. Akif Emrah BÜYÜKSOMER
Faculty of Theology
Theology Undergraduate Program
Assoc. Prof. Esat Burak ŞAMAN
Assoc. Prof. Hacı Bayram BAŞER
Assoc. Prof. Harun YILMAZ
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet ÖNCEL
Assoc. Prof. Muhammed COŞKUN
Assoc. Prof. Muhammed SULU
Asst. Prof. Hamza EL-BEKRİ
Asst. Prof. Kamil YAŞAROĞLU
Asst. Prof. Selami VARLIK
Asst. Prof. Şeyma KÖMÜRCÜOĞLU
Inst. Sümeyye Esra KÖTEN GÜÇLÜ
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
Turkish Preparatory Unit
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
English Preparatory Unit
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
Arabic Preparatory Unit
Asst. Prof. Fatma Zohra BOUZIDI